
An Arc of the Covenants: Tracing How the Bible’s Storyline Climaxes in Christ

Paul and the Tripartite View of the Law of Moses

The Lord’s Supper as a Proleptic Covenant Ratification Meal and Inaugurated Kingdom Feast

Above and Beyond: Seventeenth-Century Particular Baptist Covenant Theology

The Past and Future of Baptist Covenantal Theology: Comparing 1689 Federalism and Progressive Covenantalism

Reflections on Covenant Theology from a Progressive Covenantal View

Covenants and Typology: An Extended Review of Mitchell L. Chase, 40 Questions about Typology and Allegory

Book Reviews

Editorial: Reflections on Reading the Psalter

Did the New Testament Authors Read the Psalter as a Book?

Hearing the Canonical Voice of the Psalter: An Exegetical Overview

Reading the Psalms with the Church: A Critical Evaluation of Prosopological Exegesis in Light of Church History

Reading Psalms 2 and 110 with the Grain of Scripture: A Proposal for Reading the Psalter Canonically

One Mediator Between God and People: “David” as the Speaker of Psalms 105-106

Psalm 110:3 and Retrieval Theology

The Royal Orientation of the Psalms: “O LORD, save the king!”

A Sermon on Psalm 145: A Universal, Unending Song of Praise to God the King

The Necessity of Biblical Languages in Ministerial Training