
Context Is Everything: “The Israel of God” in Galatians 6:16

Sermon: The Curse of the Law and the Cross of Christ (Galatians 3:10-14)

A timeline of the presidential elections during the conservative resurgence

“Semper Reformanda” and the Southern Baptist Convention: Mohler discusses the Conservative (on-going) Resurgence

*This article originally appeared in the June / July 2014 issue of Towers. You can read the full issue here. Southern Baptists should view their convention’s conservative movement of the late 20th century as a reformational movement, said R. Albert Mohler Jr. during a recent conversation about the Conservative Resurgence. And, like the Protestant Reformation, the…

Towers | June/July 2014

Editorial: Debating the Historicity of Adam: Does it Matter?

Towers | May 2014

Adam and Eve in the Old Testament

The Language of God and Adam’s Genesis & Historicity in Paul’s Gospel

Why an Historical Adam Matters for a Biblical Doctrine of Sin

Sermon: From Adam to Christ: The Grace that Conquers all our Sin (Romans 5:12-19)

Baptists Reflecting on Adam & Eve in the ‘Long’ Eighteenth Century

The SBJT Forum: Debating Adam

Towers | April 2014

Table of Contents (Fall 2013)

Editorial: The Glory of Christ in Colossians

Proclaiming Christ as Lord: Colossians 1:15–20

“If You Continue in the Faith” (Colossians 1:21-23): An Exegetical- Theological Exercise in Syntax, Discourse, and Performative Speech

Introduction A generation ago, when blacksmith shops were still common in villages, Robert Shank aptly observed that Colossians 1:21-23 is one of several Scripture passages over which one could affix the sign: “All kinds of fancy twistings and turnings done here.” ((Robert Shank, Life in the Son (2nd ed., 16th printing; Springfield, MO: Westcott, 1976),…