
“We Cannot Sit in Judgment”: William Whitsitt and the Future of the Seminary

Table of Contents (Winter 2008)

A Review of James H. Slatton’s W. H. Whitsitt: The Man and the Controversy

Editorial: “Biblical Theology”–Reflections on its Importance

Southern Seminary and Progressive Religion 1870-1940

Southern Seminary and the Reshaping of American Culture: Retrospect and Prospect

The SBJT Forum: Celebrating 150 Years at Southern Seminary

Lecture 1: The Necessity and Viability of Biblical Theology

Lecture 2: Biblical Theology in the Seminary and Bible College

Lecture 3: Biblical Theology in the Local Church and the Home

Was Joseph a Type of the Messiah? Tracing the Typological Identification between Joseph, David, and Jesus

The Practice and Promise of Biblical Theology: A Response to Hamilton and Goldsworthy

Story-Lines of Scripture and Footsteps in the Sea

Table of Contents (Summer 2015)

Stephen J. Wellum                                                                                   5 Editorial: Living All of Life to God’s Glory R. Albert Mohler, Jr.                                                                                9 Economics and the Christian Worldview: 12 Theses David Kotter                                                                                             17 Greed vs. Self-Interest: A Case Study of How Economists Can Help Theologians Serve the Church Mark Coppenger                                                                                     49 Stewardship of the Wetlands below…

Editorial: Living All of Life to God’s Glory

At Southern Seminary, over the last couple of years, we have been enjoying the work and ministry of the Commonweal Project as it has been hosting conferences, bringing in various guest speakers from all over the country, and offering a number of lectures from Southern Seminary’s own faculty. If you are not familiar with the…

Economics and the Christian Worldview: 12 Theses

Once called “a dismal science” by historian Thomas Carlyle, economics is often sidelined, even in the academic world. But economics is, in fact, one of most important social sciences.  With that in mind, my aim in this brief article is to look at economics, labor, business, money, industry, and work from a theological perspective. Further,…

Greed vs. Self-Interest: A Case Study of How Economists Can Help Theologians Serve the Church

Preparing a sermon from the New Testament to serve a local congregation has always been a challenging spiritual labor. Exegesis and application require a pastor to bridge a language gap from Greek to English, a cultural gap from the first century to the contemporary ethos, and a geographical gap from the Levant to the Western…

Stewardship of the Wetlands below the Golan Heights: A Study in Judeo-Christian and Muslim Contrasts

I ask the reader’s indulgence as I weave personal narrative into my essay, for my thinking has emerged in these past years through a range of travels, events, and assignments, from which I’ll draw in making my case. On my first visit to Mount Hermon on Israel’s northern border, our tour guide pointed out the…