
Towers | August 2016

The Ark Encounter rises above a storm of skepticism

Perched on the hills of northern Kentucky, in a town whose population is smaller than the enrollment of Southern Seminary, is a life-sized replica of Noah’s Ark, in the truest sense a monument of biblical proportions. Using a 20.4-inch cubit, the Ark Encounter measures 510 feet long, 85 feet wide, and 91.5 feet high —…

The Broadman Bible Commentary Controversy: From Genesis to the Conservative Resurgence

In 1969, the publication of the first volume of the Broadman Bible Commentary created doctrinal controversy within the Southern Baptist Convention. Because the denomination’s Sunday School Board published the commentary, the book was widely read by many Baptist pastors and laypeople. Theologically conservative Baptists objected to the Genesis commentary by British author G. Henton Davies, who applied higher-critical methodology…

‘Sacred mission’: Plummer on his love for Greek and new intermediate grammar

EDITOR’S NOTE: In what follows, Robert L. Plummer, professor of New Testament interpretation at Southern Seminary, talks with Towers writer Andrew J.W. Smith about the new intermediate grammar he co-authored, Going Deeper With New Testament Greek.   AJWS: Most intermediate grammars tend to be more technical and don’t have all the things this book has — exercises, practice sentences,…

Feature review: Going Deeper with New Testament Greek

If you, as a student at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, have taken Greek Syntax and Exegesis, you know required books for the course seem to be as numerous as all the principal parts you have to memorize. Not only are there are plenty of substantive intermediate-level Greek grammars for professors to choose, from Robertson…

Book reviews: ‘Four Views on Hell’; ‘Becoming Native to Win the Natives’; ‘The Baker Compact Dictionary of Theological Terms’; ‘A Peculiar Glory’

Four Views on Hell  Preston Sprinkle, ed.  Review by Andrew J.W. Smith Five years removed from former pastor Rob Bell’s book on hell, Love Wins, the doctrine of hell is still an incendiary topic. In the newest installment of Zondervan’s Counterpoints: Bible & Theology series, Four Views on Hell, four evangelical scholars offer their interpretation of biblical teaching about…

Towers | June-July 2016

Southern Seminary Magazine, Spring 2016

Table of Contents (Winter 2015)

Editorial: Remembering the Reformation by Reflecting on its Solas

Read Full Journal Next year the Church will celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Historians usually date the start of the Reformation to the 1517 publication of Martin Luther’s “95 Theses.” On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther, a German Augustinian monk, posted his theses on a church door in the university town of…

Sola Scriptura in the Strange Land of Evangelicalism: The Peculiar but Necessary Responsibility of Defending Sola Scriptura Against Our Own Kind

Justification by Works and Sola Fide

The Word as a Means of Grace

Solus Christus: What the Reformers Taught and Why It Still Matters

Glory to God Alone: Another Look at a Reformation Sola

SBJT Forum

Book Reviews (Winter 2015)

Evangelical leaders esteem Reformation heritage at T4G