
Polishing the glimmerings of God’s design in the classical world

Meet Harvard graduate and new Boyce College professor Tyler Flatt and his vision for classical education.

Spring Preview 2017

Think of this like an instruction manual, except fun. We’ll tell you what you need to know to be a successful student, how to grow in your spiritual devotion, and where to go when it’s time to relax.

“al-’arabīyah”: The study of Arabic at SBTS

Learn the history of Arabic instruction at Southern Seminary, which dates back to the end of the 19th century.

3 Questions with Daniel B. Wallace

3 Questions with Daniel B. Wallace, professor of New Testament studies at Dallas Theological Seminary; author, Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics

Book Reviews

‘J.C. Ryle’; ‘Biblical Authority After Babel’; ‘You Are What You Love’; ‘Medieval Wisdom for Modern Christians’

Towers December 2015 January 2016

Editorial: Reading and Apply Malachi Today

The Book of Malachi in Biblical-Theological Context

Malachi as a Model for Preachers

Syncretism after the Exile and Malachi’s Missional Response

My Messenger, the LORD, and the Messenger of the Covenant: Malachi 3:1 Revisited

Pastoral Advice on Marital Strife: Wisdom from Two Millennia of Christian Thinkers

Book Reviews

Unhappy Holidays? How Brokenness Leads to True Joy

Grandpa was sitting by himself, and what might have been idyllic in different circumstances turned heartbreaking.

Llambés siblings find second home at Boyce College

Moving from their family’s missionary work in Latin America to Louisville, Kentucky, the three Llambés siblings have flourished together at the same school.

Morgan Edwards on the necessity of patience

Transcribed excerpts from his sermon “Add to your faith — patience” (2 Peter 1:5– 6) preached on Oct. 10, 1756.

Heart dynamics: Pierre discusses new book on counseling

Editor’s Note: In what follows, Jeremy Pierre, SBTS professor of biblical counseling and dean of student life, talks with Towers writer Andrew J.W. Smith about his book The Dynamic Heart in Daily Life. AJWS: What was your primary goal in writing this book? JP: Proverbs 20:5 says, “The purpose in a man’s heart is like…

Feature review: ‘The Dynamic Heart in Daily Life’

The Dynamic Heart in Daily Life: Connecting Christ to the Human Experience by Jeremy Pierre (New Growth Press, 2016, $19.99) The human heart is complex, and each of our responses to life circumstances indicate a deeper spiritual condition, writes Jeremy Pierre, SBTS associate professor of biblical counseling, in his new book The Dynamic Heart in Daily Life.…