Pastoral Ministry

These 7 things are true for every pastor

If you are going to pastor the Lord’s church and walk through life with his people, you had better be certain that he told you to do it.

4 Ministry Lessons I Learned as a Car Salesman

I stepped into car sales out of necessity, to put food on the table. Little did I know God would use this wilderness journey to teach me how to pastor.

4 things a pastor needs right after preaching

One of the most dangerous times for a pastor are the hours following his Sunday sermon.

6 tips for leading your church with vision

By effectively sharing a vision for ministry, pastors can help their church serve Christ in all that they do.

Episode 19: Christopher Ash on writing, marriage, and advice for young pastors

Dr. York sits down with Christopher Ash (preacher, teacher, writer in residence at Tyndale House) to discuss writing, marriage, and advice for young pastors.

Episode 18: Michael & Seth York on growing up in a pastor’s home

Dr. York sits down with his sons Michael and Seth York to discuss the joys and challenges of growing up as the children of a pastor.

Author Interview: Michael A.G. Haykin on Being a Pastor

Michael A.G. Haykin discusses his latest book “Being a Pastor: A Conversation with Andrew Fuller”

Episode 17: Nathan Lino on evangelism & mercy ministry

Dr. York sits down with Nathan Lino (founder and senior pastor of Northeast Houston Baptist Church in Houston, TX) to discuss evangelism & mercy ministry.

Episode 16: Charlie Dates on his journey to faithful pastoral ministry

Dr. York sits down with Charlie Dates (senior pastor of Progressive Baptist Church in Chicago, IL) to discuss his journey to faithful pastoral ministry.

Episode 15: The Mohlers on marriage, ministry, and SBTS

In this LIVE episode of Pastor Well, Hershael York sits down with Dr. & Mrs. R. Albert Mohler to discuss marriage, ministry, and SBTS.

New book dives deep into Andrew Fuller, the pastor

Andrew Fuller is a voice from the past that is worthy of befriending.

Episode 13: H.B. Charles Jr. on preaching, pastoring, and trusting God

Hershael York sits down with H.B. Charles Jr. (author, pastor at Shiloh Church in Jacksonville, FL) to discuss preaching, pastoring, and trusting God.

Episode 12: Alistair Begg on preaching, marriage, and long-term ministry

In the LIVE premiere of Pastor Well season 2, Hershael York sits down with Alistair Begg (author, pastor of Parkside Church in Cleveland, OH, host of Truth for Life) to discuss preaching, marriage, and long-term ministry.

8 reasons pastors need the Reformation

Praise God that it pleased him to work through ordinary men like Luther and Calvin to unleash afresh an extraordinary gospel to work in all its grace-driven power in my life and in the lives of countless millions of other believers and pastors through the century.