Pastoral Ministry

The funeral I most dreaded

This morning I will preach my father-in-law’s funeral. For 32 years of our marriage, I dreaded this terrible task because he was not a believer. He wanted no part of Christ or his gospel. We prayed for him, witnessed to him, sent others to talk to him, and five years ago even took him to…

5 moves to integrate theology into your ministry

If you want a church to be saturated with truth, then stay there and walk through life with them.

¿Qué debo hacer? ¿Plantar o revitalizar una iglesia?

Brian Croft responde a esa pregunta tan comúnmente discutida en los campus de seminarios pero en un enfoque distinto. Sea que sea la respuesta, sea revitalizar o plantar, Dios nos llama a seguir el modelo Bíblico multi-generacional, multi-étnico, multi-cultural. Available in English here.

Five reasons to plant your life in a church and stay there

The longer you live in community with people, the more credibility you will have—unless you simply don’t earn and have credibility.

Friendly fire in the church

When Christians default to sinful assaults on other believers, the glory of Christ is dismantled and everyone gets hit.

Why seminary can never qualify anyone for ministry

That is why ordination, taken seriously and done rightly, should mean much more than any seminary degree.

10 ways to thrive in the face of pastoral challenges

When Paul described the burden of ministry that God has given us, he concluded by asking the question, “Who is equal to such a task?” (2 Cor 2:16) After reviewing the challenges of leadership in the church, we might ask the same thing. We must remember, however, that wherever God calls, He also enables. God…

10 challenges every pastor will face

Leading God’s people is unlike any other task in the world — which is why it requires a calling of the Spirit.

How to bring about change in your church (without getting fired)

Bring about change in your church through careful, patient, and intentional leadership.

Dangers of denial in 
a declining church

Many dying churches refuse to see the diminishing influence of their churches for the good of the Kingdom and do nothing about it. Denial means more and more churches will be closing their doors.

5 mistakes pastors make when preaching controversial doctrine

A pastor must never forget that God sent him to love the people, not merely to imbue them with biblical facts.

A Word-Centered Culture Instead of a Man-Centered Culture

The danger is that we will become man-centered instead of Word-centered, so that we prize the preacher more than what is preached.