Perseverance of the saints demands church discipline
Church discipline can be the mechanism for inspecting the genuineness of conversion.
Church discipline can be the mechanism for inspecting the genuineness of conversion.
The joy of serving as an undershepherd of the Chief Shepherd is all the greater when shared with other called and qualified men.
I can assure you that you’re not the first pastor to wrestle with the question of whether you’re really called to pastoral ministry.
A college or university can be a very unsafe space. But perhaps not for the reasons you think.
If you preach long enough, you’ll encounter textual variants. Here’s what you should know when you do.
Every time believers assemble in God’s name, we participate in a heavenly reality. So, we should order our assemblies by the divine pattern God has given.
Gender will become a wedge between this generation and the Word.
The greatest joy of a worship leader is when people see more of Christ, when people’s burdens are lifted by Christ, when their hope and joy in Christ begins to rise.
In ministry, you’ll need to choose your battles wisely. Here’s how.
As we return to Scripture year after year, we are better prepared to see what has been there all along.
In ministry, God lets us grow hungry so we realize how desperately we need him.
Female prophecy in the Old and New Testaments is no argument in favor of female teaching or preaching.
Persecution and martyrdom are perennial features of the Church’s existence in this world.
A sermon is not primarily an exercise in rhetorical skill. Instead, it is a proclamation of Christ’s finished work with implications for holy living.
Baptism wasn’t just something Jesus commanded his followers to do, but an experience he also underwent.
The world says there are many ways to God, but the Bible says there is only one. Here’s how to talk to your friends from other religions about Christianity.
The hymns of the church ought to be built on, shaped by, and saturated with the Word of God.
Remember, she is your wife, not your fellow pastor.