Looking for Chapel?A Christian Response to Homosexuality
A Christian Response to Abortion
How to be Feminine in a Feminist World
Love for Lifetime: Issues for Couples Considering Marriage
Models of Biblical Womanhood
A Primer on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
And Baby Makes Three: Contraception, Reproductive Technologies, and the Brave New World
Homosexuality, Marriage, and the Family: The Next Revolution?
Marriage, Gender, and Sex: Sorting It All Out
Tim Keller Sermon on Worship, “Psalm 95”
Tim Keller, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, Manhattan, New York, July 7, 2002. Used by permission of the tape ministry of Redeemer Presbyterian Church.
“Worship in the Balance”
Carl Stam, Associate Professor of Church Music and Worship and Director, Institute for Christian Worship, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Presented at the Southern Baptist Church Music Conference, Memphis, Tennessee, June 4, 2002.