Looking for Chapel?A Red Guitar, Three Chords, and the Truth: Why We Sing
Lecture Notes
The David You Thought You Knew
Lecture Notes
Bach, Bubba, and the Blues Brothers: The Many Voices of the Singing Savior
Lecture Notes
Forum with Joseph Pearce, Russell D. Moore, James Parker, and Jim Orrick—Part 2
Forum with Joseph Pearce, Russell D. Moore, James Parker, and Jim Orrick—Part 1
“Creator, Creation and Creativity: Understanding Tolkien’s and Lewis’ Philosophy of Myth”
“Truth and Myth: Unlocking the Lord of the Rings”
Modern Hymns: Christian Congregational Song for the 21st Century
The Songs That Jesus Said: Singing the Bible for Young Worshipers
“A Biblical Model for Preaching the Word of God”
Hymns, Worship, and Christian Thought (Part 1)
Hymns, Worship, and Christian Thought (Part 2)
“A 1st Century Vision for the 21st Century Church”
Alcohol and the Ministry
“Handel’s Messiah: Biblical and Theological Perspectives” (PDF)
Daniel I. Block. The author and journal editor graciously grant permission for this material to be used in concert program notes as long as proper credit is given.