Looking for Chapel?The Typology of David’s Rise to Power: Messianic Patterns in the Book of Samuel (Audio)
Additional Document: The Typology of David’s Rise to Power (PDF)
Wie es Eigentlich Gewesen: The Hope of a Christian Historian (Audio)
Behind the Hymns, Part 1 (Audio)
Behind the Hymns, Part 2 (Audio)
Getty/Townend Hymns: A Topical Index
Forty-two hymns by Stuart Townend and Keith & Kristyn Getty in an index according to theological emphasis.
Technology and the Local Church (Audio)
Sponsored by the School of Leadership and Church Ministry Student Council
Ethnomusicology: Biblical Mandates for Music in the Church
An Ethnomusicologist Looks at Matthew 28
Oxymoron: Music Missionary
Jesus in the Public Square: Sharing Jesus to a Non-Theological World: ‘Orthodoxy before the Canon’
Jesus in the Public Square: Sharing Jesus to a Non-Theological World: ‘Which Christianity?’
Jesus in the Public Square: Sharing Jesus to a Non-Theological World
One-on-One with Dr. Hamilton: An Interview with Southern’s New Theology Professor
Sponsored by the School of Theology Student Council
Conscientious Confessionalism: Foundation to Worship
Lecture Notes (PDF)