Looking for Chapel?Forum on the Life & Legacy of Lottie Moon
Forum on the Life & Legacy of Lottie Moon (Audio)
The Church and it’s role in Dealing with Social Injustice and Human Suffering (Audio)
The Shepherd, the Local Church, and the Great Commission
The Shepherd, the Local Church, and the Great Commission (Audio)
Chris Hale — Aradhna (Audio)
Christian Worship Music from North India and Nepal
The Orthodoxy of the Text of the New Testament: Reasserting the Obvious (Audio)
The President’s Forum on the Future of the Southern Baptist Convention (Audio)
The President’s Forum on the Future of the Southern Baptist Convention
Bible Translation and New Tribes Mission (Audio)
Southern Seminary, Southern Baptists & the Two Religions (Audio)
Q & A with David Platt – Part 15, First Senior Pastorate
Preaching as Communion (Audio)
Preaching as Remembering the Sabbath to Keep It Holy (Audio)
A Balanced Diet of Public Prayer (Audio)
Lecture Notes (PDF)
Preaching as Telling the Story of God’s Mighty Acts of Redemption (Audio)
The Simplicity of Devotion to Christ (Audio)
This session will explore how to live a devoted life for the supremacy of Christ in a postmodern world.