Like Columns of Smoke from the Wilderness
Don’t Be Surprised When You Suffer for Christ, but Rejoice! (Audio)
Don’t Be Surprised When You Suffer for Christ, but Rejoice!
The Narrow and Wide Gates (Audio)
The Narrow and Wide Gates
Monotheism Is Not Enough
Monotheism Is Not Enough (Audio)
Joshua 1:1-4
Joshua 1:1-4 (Audio)
Jesus Built a Church Not an Assembly Hall
Jesus Built a Church Not an Assembly Hall (Audio)
Gospel Shrewdness
Gospel Shrewdness (Audio)
The Necessity of Preaching the Word
‘If You Do Not Believe His Writings, How Will You Believe My Words?’ – The Authority of Scripture and the Gift of Salvation
Don’t Waste Your Theological Education
No desperdicies tu educación teológica
El Servicio de Capilla en el campus del Southern Baptist Theological Seminary en Louisville, Kentucky. El Servicio de Capilla se lleva a cabo dos veces por semana, cada martes y jueves a las 10 de la mañana. Este a la vez es transmitido en vivo en nuestra página de internet El mensaje de hoy…