
Episode 63: How to Treat Church Staff Members Well

In this episode, Hershael York walks through how to care for church staff members, and learn to delegate well.

Episode 59: How to Respond When You Disappoint Others

In this episode, Hershael York talks about how leaders and pastors need to be honest about their mistakes and shortcomings.

Episode 58: How to Respond to People that Disappoint You

In this episode, Hershael York talks about how to respond to hurt within a church setting.

Episode 57: How to Talk to a Church Search Committee

In this episode, Hershael York talks about what to pay attention to, and what questions to ask when being interviewed by a search committee.

Episode 56: How to Manage Church Staff Relations

In this episode, Hershael York discusses how best a lead pastor can serve the church staff members.

Episode 54: Guarding Against Pornography

In this episode, Hershael York talks about individuals recovering from porn addiction and the dangers of allowing it to grow.

Episode 52: Permanent Disqualifications from Pastoral Ministry

In this episode, Hershael York talks about the process of redemption and repentance within ministry.

Episode 51: Should a Pastor Observe the Billy Graham Rule?

In this episode, Hershael York talks about shepherding women in the congregation by creating appropriate safeguards.

Episode 50: A Pastor-Led Church vs an Elder-Led Church

In this episode, Hershael York talks about different church structures and what best suits a body of believers.

Episode 43: How to Practice Church Discipline

In this episode, Hershael York talks about the importance of practicing church discipline and how to get ahead of it.

What must an elder be if he is “apt to teach”?

If we’re honest, every Christian would rather have a faithful preacher who occasionally mumbles words and gets lost in his notes than a shallow, captivating one.