Episode 61: How to Stay Positive in Ministry
In this episode, Hershael York talks about ways to stay positive within a ministry role.
In this episode, Hershael York talks about ways to stay positive within a ministry role.
In this episode, Hershael York discusses the purpose and importance of a church body.
It requires patience to lead a congregation to see itself as body, family, temple, and bride—not an optional religious organization to make them feel better about themselves.
Discerning God’s call is often a difficult, and prayer-filled, endeavor.
In ministry, you’ll need to choose your battles wisely. Here’s how.
The trials associated with pastoral ministry are not new and you’re not alone.
It is not just the sheep that need biblical community and accountability.
Revitalization demands that we learn how to live with the tension between the way things are and the way God wants them to be.
Managing your own kids is vital because the way you manage your kids is the way you’ll manage God’s children.
If you find that you are not a perfect pastor, do not be surprised or dismayed. Recalibrate your expectations and be grateful for the progress God is making in your own heart and soul.
Church revitalization is hard work, and many of the lessons I’ve learned have been not just unexpected, but difficult and painful.
The first five years were brutal. There were three different movements to get me fired. In the midst of all the hostility and adversity, God was still building his church.
It seems as if everyone is talking about pastoral mentorship these days. Not a week goes by that I don’t receive something in the mail at my office that reminds me of the importance of training younger men in pastoral ministry—a task that I embrace and seek to practice wholeheartedly. But most of the material…
The aim of change for any declining local church is revival, growth, and maturity in Christlike love for God and His people. As a pastor, nothing gives me greater joy than to see God’s people being renewed in their desire to know God intimately, to praise Him passionately, and to love His people without hypocrisy.…
The necessity of healthy church structure has been a challenge from the time that the church began. It is not a new dilemma. Acts 2 describes how the first church developed a basic structure for worship, Bible study, and fellowship. As the church grew and additional challenges surfaced, the leaders added structure to take care…
One of the frequent questions asked of me regarding church revitalization is, “What are the requirements for being effective in church revitalization?” Mark Clifton, in his book Reclaiming Glory: Revitalizing Dying Churches, has done an excellent job in outlining the characteristics necessary for a church revitalizer. I do not want to just repeat his thoughts,…
And as we identify critical issues we must apply biblical wisdom to address them. But, before we begin with the corporate we should begin with ourselves – with our own hearts.
Whether you are revitalizing a church in critical condition, planting a new church, or shepherding a flock in stable condition, you will experience the weight of the cross.