Preaching as Communion (Audio)
Preaching as Remembering the Sabbath to Keep It Holy (Audio)
A Balanced Diet of Public Prayer (Audio)
Lecture Notes (PDF)
Preaching as Telling the Story of God’s Mighty Acts of Redemption (Audio)
I Kissed a Girl and I Liked It (Audio)
Compelled to Share (1 Cor. 9:16-23) (Audio)
The Simplicity of Devotion to Christ (Audio)
This session will explore how to live a devoted life for the supremacy of Christ in a postmodern world.
Contemporary Controversies (Audio)
This session will discuss contemporary perspectives on the person and work of Christ.
The Gospel and Science Fiction (Audio)
This session will discuss how to make connections between the gospel and science fiction.
Were Old Testament Believers Indwelt By the Holy Spirit? (Audio)
This session will discuss regeneration and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in Old Testament believers.
What is Christ-Centered Hermeneutics? (Audio)
How does the whole counsel of Scripture point to Christ? This session will explore how a Christian reads and studies the entire Bible in light of the fulfillment of Christ.
Why Jesus Christ Alone Qualifies To Be the Savior of Sinners (Audio)
This session will discuss the uniqueness of Christ and what qualifies him alone to save humanity.
What Was Christ Doing on the Cross? (Audio)
This session will explore the nature of the atonement.
How Much is Enough? (Audio)
This session will discuss how much a person needs to know in order to be saved.
How Does Suffering Magnify Christ? (Audio)
How can God bring good from suffering? This session will discuss how God has designed suffering for his glory and his people’s good.
Faithful Unto Death (Audio)
This session will explore martyrdom and how to persevere in suffering for the glory of Christ.
Preparing to Teach the Only Savior on the Mission Field (Audio)
This session will discuss how to share the gospel to every tribe, tongue, people, and nation.