
Part 4 – Did not our hearts burn?: expository reading

  Editors note: Read also Part 1, Part 2 or Part 3 of this series.   Read the Bible When I was 13 years old, my mother gave me a photocopy of a hand-written guide for reading the Bible through in a year. Thus began the most important part of my theological education – immersion in Scripture. [tweetable]In…

5 mistakes pastors make when preaching controversial doctrine

A pastor must never forget that God sent him to love the people, not merely to imbue them with biblical facts.

Pastors, how do we respond to brothers in error?

  False teaching often comes from imposters who are not really Christians (2 Tim. 3:8). Sometimes error comes from those who are Christians (Gal. 2:11). At other times, it comes from those whose spiritual condition is not altogether clear. In any case, pastors have a responsibility to refute error whatever its source (Titus 1:9). But…

Part 3 – Did not our hearts burn?: expository reading

  Editors note: Read also Part 1 and Part 2 of this series.   Be Aware of Historical or Cultural Background Issues The 66 books of the Bible often assume a reader’s familiarity with various cultural practices, geographic markers or political figures. Thus, when an untrained reader simply opens up the book of Isaiah and…

Racists Can’t Own An NBA Team But They Can Go To Heaven: An African-American Christian’s Perspective of Racism in the NBA

  The recent racist rant of LA Clippers’ owner, Mr. Donald Sterling, caused an enormous outrage throughout the NBA and beyond. Virtually every major news and entertainment source, from ESPN to late night talk shows, applauded the NBA’s decision to ban Mr. Sterling from any association with the team that he owns or with the…

Grace that is greater than all our sin: An interview with Timothy Paul Jones

  EDITOR’S NOTE: In what follows, Timothy Paul Jones, C. Edwin Gheens Professor of Christian Family Ministry and associate vice president for online learning at Southern Seminary, discusses his new book — co-written with Sojourn Community Church pastor Daniel Montgomery — PROOF, with Towers book review editor Matt Damico. A brief review of the book…

Summer Vacation for Full-Time Christians

Even though your life in Christ is supernatural; it’s not superhuman. If you do not ever come apart, you will eventually fall apart.

Part 2 – Did not our hearts burn?: expository reading

  *Editors note: You can read part 1 of this series here.   Let Scripture Interpret Scripture The hermeneutical guideline of “Scripture interpreting Scripture” has long been espoused by Christian interpreters, going back at least to Augustine (A.D. 354-430) and Irenaeus (A.D. 130-200). If we believe that all the Bible is inspired by God and thus…

3 questions with Sean McDowell

  What’s old about the “new” atheists? The title “new atheists” has less to do with the content of their arguments than the way in which they argue. The “old” atheists were not very good at PR. But these new atheists are much more engaging, likable and savvy. Former atheists seemed really to grasp the…

How economic profits relate to the creation mandate

  [tweetable]Good theology is of little value unless the church is able to speak eternal truths into ever-changing cultures.[/tweetable] This is especially true with respect to the relationship between our faith and the areas of work economics and human flourishing in this age. The population of the earth and the ability to create wealth have…

Did not our hearts burn?: expository reading – part 1

  God has preserved for us an invaluable gift and resource in the canon of Scripture. In it we have the very words of God, written over many centuries by many men, and all inspired by one divine mind. He could not have given a better gift with more profitable guidance than he has in…

The Bible’s storyline in the life of the church

Members of the Southern Seminary faculty are at the forefront of contemporary discussions of biblical theology, both within academia and the local church. Since 2010, faculty members have published three works of full-Bible biblical theology, and at least three more books within the discipline. In what follows, those members, each of whom publish, teach and…

10 steps for change

  [tweetable]The Bible is all about the grace of change. It’s a story of new beginnings and fresh starts.[/tweetable] The Bible holds before us that hope that we can change, and in so doing, act and speak in new and better ways. And although the Bible clearly presents that change generally is a process and…

An imaginative apologetic: Jesus or Nothing

  EDITOR’S NOTE: In the following, Boyce College dean Dan DeWitt discusses his new book, Jesus or Nothing, with Towers editor Aaron Cline Hanbury. ACH: What is this book?  DD: Probably the best way to answer that is to unpack the title. Some people have been excited about the book because they think it’s kind…

It’s not easy being green: Christian conscience and Earth Day

Here we are again. It’s Earth Day and, if you’re anything like me, I suspect you wrestle with how to make some sense of the day. Chances are we’re not about to go out on a Greenpeace expedition or going to retrofit our cars to run off used cooking oil. But does the gospel have…

How Easter relates to suffering: five reflections on living in light of sin and evil – Part II

  Third, in God’s plan of redemption, God not only demonstrates that he is sovereign over sin and evil, but also that in his sovereignty, holiness, justice, and grace he is rooting out sin and evil in the cross work of Christ, thus demonstrating that he is perfectly good and trustworthy. Scripture teaches that in…

How Easter relates to suffering: five reflections on living in light of sin and evil – Part 1

  First, as an important apologetic point, it is not only Christian theology which must wrestle with the problem of evil; every worldview, Christian and non-Christian alike, must also wrestled with it, albeit for different reasons depending upon the specific view in question. For example, naturalistic/atheistic viewpoints must first explain, given their overall view, how…

Why does the IRS get my taxes even when Jesus has my heart?

  Over the next couple of days, millions of Americans will endure the filing and, in some cases, the payment of taxes. Taxation has never been particularly popular among Americans, having once incited several dozen Bostonians to dress up as Mohawk Native Americans and toss tea into a harbor. Even in the months that followed…