
Can I be both a pastor and a scholar?

For 17 years Tom Schreiner has walked the delicate line of serving as both a full-time academic and a preaching elder in his local church. He has written numerous important books and commentaries, including Paul, Apostle of God’s Glory in Christ (IVP Academic, 2006); New Testament Theology (Baker Academic, 2008); The King in His Beauty (Baker Academic, 2013); Commentary on Hebrews (B&H Academic, 2015); and his…

Striking the balance: Shepherding the family and the flock, Part II

Editors’ note: Part I of this article was published earlier this week. Be fun to live with “Joy” is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22). If your Christianity makes you dreary and dull, you don’t understand the ministry of the Holy Spirit nor what Christ has done. If pastors would reflect the joy of…

Striking the balance: Shepherding the family and the flock (Part I)

“They made me keeper of the vineyards, but my own vineyard I have not kept” (Song of Songs 1:6). The PBS documentary “Carrier” is a fascinating look at life on board the USS Nimitz, the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier that bestowed its name on an entire class of ships. More than five thousand sailors and marines…

3 ways to pray for Governor-elect Matt Bevin

Elections aren’t everything, but they matter. And while Christians should caution themselves from banking all their hope in any one candidate’s agenda, elections, in fact, really matter. With every candidate comes a platform of policies that he or she hopes to see implemented. But policies are never relegated only to the abstract; no, policies have…

Why every seminary student should read J. C. Ryle

Editors’ note: This article is part of on occasional series on the SBTS blog, Why Every Student Should Read . . . This series is intended to spotlight and commend for further investigation pastors, teachers, theologians, books, sermons, and figures from church history as well as from the current evangelical scene. ___________________ When I was asked…

Living with food allergies and longing for heaven

Perhaps you have heard about the Teal Pumpkin Project, an effort to make trick-or-treating safe for kids with food allergies. Lay aside whatever convictions you may have about the holiday in question for a moment and consider the theological truths behind those odd-colored pumpkins. While I might have paid little attention to this a few…

Another important piece of advice to seminarians

Every new school year there seems to be published several articles (e.g., here and here) with lots of very good advice for new seminarians (or college students in general). I heartily affirm everything in those posts. However, I do have one other piece of advice that I was given in my first semester of seminary…

Don’t let your tone of voice ruin your sermon

Striking the right tone, like all aspects of preaching, requires persistent vigilance.

Dear Timothy: Pursue faithfulness above all else in your life and ministry

Dear Timothy, Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. The last time I wrote you, recall that I sought to stir up your mind by way of reminder, to use the words of our dear brother Peter, that you must find your contentment in Christ alone, else you…

7 things to pray for missionaries

There are numerous ways a church or even those who are preparing for ministry can pray to bless their missionaries.  Because the church might not always know those immediate, pressing issues in the missionary’s life, praying from God’s Word is always valuable and applicable in every season and place. Here are seven simple ways to…

Always be prepared to make a defense

“But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord has holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect” 1 Pet. 3:15 (ESV) I’ve had the privilege of teaching Introduction to Philosophy and Introduction to…

Dear Timothy: Find your contentment in Christ alone

A few years ago, Founders Ministries published an excellent, multi-author work, titled Dear Timothy (A must-read for young pastors and thankfully still available). The book was written as a series of letters from the veteran pastor, Paul, to the young upstart pastor, Timothy. In the spirit of that fine publication, I offer the following letter as…

Why every student should read Martyn-Lloyd Jones

Editors’ note: This article begins on occasional series on the SBTS blog, Why Every Student Should Read . . . This series is intended to spotlight and commend for further investigation pastors, teachers, theologians, books, sermons, and figures from church history as well as from the current evangelical scene. ___________________________________________________ Martyn Lloyd-Jones is one of…

Rise early and be alone with God: wise counsel from an old divine

What is the best time of day to pray and meditate on the Word of God? For me, the best time is the early morning. With four young children in the house, all of whom are usually still sleeping this is the only quiet time in my home. This time also has the advantage of…

7 crucial reasons why a pastor’s spiritual life matters to his church

Pastor, your spiritual health matters to your church. Your pursuit of Christ impacts your people. You know this, of course, but does your daily schedule reflect it? When you allocate time and energy toward the spiritual disciplines, do you do so with a view toward what is at stake? God’s sovereign purposes are not dependent…

Guard your hearts at all costs in the war with porn

Porn will destroy your life. Here’s how to stop it.

How to apply logic to arguments, part 2

Editors’ note: Part I of this two-part series was published on Tuesday. Engaging the culture involves more than the picking apart of opposing arguments. While this is important, you must develop and use well-reasoned arguments. It is far too easy to point out the faults and inaccuracies of someone else’s argument, but to make this…

How to apply logic to arguments, part 1

Planned Parenthood is exposed for trafficking aborted baby parts. Bruce Jenner changes himself into Caitlyn Jenner and the culture lauds him as courageous. The United States Supreme Court in a landmark decision, recognizes homosexual marriage. In the midst of the maelstrom of change in American culture, traditional Christian beliefs and values are no longer the…