Dr. Albert Mohler headshot

R. Albert Mohler Jr.
President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Website  |  Faculty Bio

Romans 11:33-12:2

Celebrating 30 Years at Southern Seminary: A Conversation with Dr. and Mrs. Mohler

So, What Is Really at Stake Here? Christian Education as a Matter of Life and Death

Confessional Integrity in a Time of Theological Crisis: The Abstract of Principles Then and Now

From the very beginning, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has been a confessional institution. Every professor must sign our confession of faith, the Abstract of Principles, agreeing to teach “in accordance with and not contrary to all that is contained therein.” This pledge has remained unchanged since 1859, but the history of Southern Seminary is a history with many twists and turns.

The Changing Face of Apologetics in a Secular Age

We live in a society marked by secularization. And when I use that term, I’m talking about the sort of secularism that we’ve only experienced in the wake of the Enlightenment and the advent of modernity; we live in a society where theism has lost its binding authority. I’ve lived long enough to watch it happen, and it still surprises me.

The Work Continues Until the Lord Comes: Patient and Enduring Faithfulness in Christian Ministry

President’s Charge to the 2023 Boyce Graduates

Faculty Testimonies: Tom Schreiner, Kaspars Ozolins and Tyler Flatt

John 9

Luke 16:19-31

For the Mouth of the Lord Has Spoken It

He Who Is Mighty Has Done Great Things

President’s Forum: A Discussion of Issues Facing the SBC

Deuteronomy 6

John 6:22-71

The Mandate of Dignity: Queen Elizabeth II and the Missing Element of Modern Leadership

Psalm 139

You Do Well to Pay Attention: The Prophetic Word and the Christian Scholar