Hershael York
Victor and Louise Lester Professor of Christian Preaching; Dean of The School of Theology
10 challenges you’ll face in ministry
Leading God’s people is unlike any other task in the world — which is why it requires a calling of the Spirit, and not merely training for a job.
‘In awe of what God has done’
Longtime professor Hershael York tells his story of meeting R. Albert Mohler Jr. and the early days of his presidency.
Should Christians Invest in the Stock Market?
Theology Forum: What is “open” or “closed” communion — and why does it matter?
When a church observes communion, who is eligible to sit at the Lord’s table?
Should Christians Play the Lottery?
Death at Work
Hershael York
Long-time pastor and New Testament scholar Hershael York is the new dean of the School of Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Here a collection of his articles, interviews and more.
What are the most common mistakes new pastors make?
Are megachurches biblical?
Size can challenge our effectiveness, but God is more concerned with our obedience.
How to preach difficult doctrines without splitting your church
Faithful doctrinal teaching always starts with the text, not a system.
Should Christians make New Year’s resolutions?
Are New Year’s resolutions a good habit for gospel-centered Christians?
Should Christians celebrate Christmas?
The celebration of Christmas is an opportunity for the gospel because our culture celebrates Christmas.
Where is He Who is Born King of the Jews?
We know who the real king is, and we do not fear the enemy.
How do I make my church more welcoming?
When people visit a church they’re going to decide within the first 10 minutes whether or not they’ll ever come back.
Hidden Idols: Unseating the idol of pride
Pride robs God of his glory because it delights in self-glory. That’s why seminary is so dangerous.
What is the role of the Holy Spirit in preaching?
It is the Spirit that takes the Word of God as the seed, sows it in hearts, and makes them live.