Brian Croft

Brian Croft A veteran pastor and author of numerous books on practical aspects of pastoral ministry, Brian oversees Practical Shepherding, a gospel-driven resource center for pastors and church leaders to equip them in the practical matters of pastoral ministry. He is the author of Biblical Church Revitalization: Solutions for Dying & Divided Churches (Christian Focus, 2016)

The lost spiritual discipline pastors desperately need

This pursuit of silence takes the care of your soul to another level, for it exposes how much you need noise, people, busyness, and distraction.

3 reasons every pastor needs a day off

One of the best decisions I have ever made for the benefit of my family and ministry has been to commit to a day off every week.

Can I preach from an iPad? Five things to consider

Minister that word and do not rely much at all on the “mechanics” of what you read from.

Meeting again after COVID-19: one church’s plan

Our aim is to make sure all feel safe and comfortable to return. This will differ from church to church and situation to situation.

4 practical steps to stop saying “Um” while preaching

It is amazing the progress we can make over our unnecessary speech fillers once we own them and begin to focus on working ourselves out of them.

Should a pastor try to reunite a split church?

Christians, old and young, diverse in many different ways can be united around a love for Christ and a love for each other.

4 things a pastor needs right after preaching

One of the most dangerous times for a pastor are the hours following his Sunday sermon.

Ministry Adversaries

3 questions pastors should ask before they fight for change in their church

In ministry, you’ll need to choose your battles wisely. Here’s how.

How much should a pastor tell his wife?

Remember, she is your wife, not your fellow pastor.

10 priorities for the busy pastor

A pastor’s true calling is to shepherd the souls of God’s people humbly, willingly, and eagerly.

5 surprising lessons from revitalizing a dying congregation

Church revitalization is hard work, and many of the lessons I’ve learned have been not just unexpected, but difficult and painful.

4 important questions to ask before joining a church

If you can answer in the affirmative to all four of these questions, there is a good possibility you have found your next church.

When should a pastor say no to a wedding?

We should always sit at the feet of older, more seasoned pastors, and learn from their mistakes. Often, the implications of a wedding don’t show up for years, sometimes even decades.

Reflections on 15 years of revitalization at my church

The first five years were brutal. There were three different movements to get me fired. In the midst of all the hostility and adversity, God was still building his church.

4 tough questions every pastor needs to ask about food

We have to own our pursuit or rejection of food before Jesus can come and provide the only lasting comfort amidst this world’s sufferings.

How to pastor women (without making them uncomfortable)

In the #MeToo Era, many pastors live as though God will not hold them accountable for the souls of women in their church.

5 reasons a shrinking church may be a good thing

Not all church decline is bad.