
The Family-Equipping Model for Family Ministry: Transforming Age-Organized Ministries to Co-Champion the Family and the Community of Faith

In many ways the family-equipping model represents a middle route between the family-integrated and family-based models.

The Family-Based Model for Church Ministry: Activities and Emphases to Empower Parents within Age-Segmented Structures

The family-based model seeks to merge a comprehensive-coordinative vision for parents with the segmented-programmatic perspective that remains prevalent in many contemporary churches.

The Family-Integrated Model for Church Ministry: A Complete Break from Age-Segmented Structures

The family-integrated approach represents a complete break from the “neo-traditional” segmented-programmatic church.

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit: The Trinity as Theological Foundation for Family Ministry

The title of this article may raise some immediate questions in the minds of readers: Is there really a connection between the doctrine of the Trinity and the design and practice of family ministry (1)?

Every House a Household of Faith: Family Worship Among the Puritans, Part 2–The Father’s Role

A Headship of “Love and Complicated Interest”: The Father’s Role in the Puritan Household

Fathers as Shepherds

Fathers are called to be pastors in their homes.

Book Review: ‘Christian Nurture’ by Horace Bushnell

Part of Bushnell’s thesis is that parents are responsible for the spiritual development of their children; he argues that Christian nurture begins in the home.

The Problem and the Promise of Family Ministry

After decades on the back burner of congregational life, family ministry has suddenly become a hot topic.

Sermon: Expositional Preaching as a Mark of a Healthy Church

Expository preaching is central to God’s plan for building healthy churches.