Don’t Just Do Something: Stand There
The 1993 Convocation Address delivered by R. Albert Mohler, Jr, President The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
The 1993 Convocation Address delivered by R. Albert Mohler, Jr, President The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
We have all seen it. The father, surrounded by t-shirted kids clamoring for his attention, lost in the alternate universe of his iPhone. “Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” they shout, little arms straight up in the air, as if they can physically pull his attention back to them. It’s enough to make a casual bystander want…
EDITOR’S NOTE: Below, Heath Lambert talks with SSM contributor Josh Hayes about Counseling the Hard Cases, a book Lambert co-edited with Southern Seminary’s Stuart Scott. Lambert is assistant professor of pastoral theology at Boyce College, the undergraduate school of Southern. JH:What trends in the counseling world compelled you to put together Counseling the Hard Cases?…
(B&H Academic 2012, $32.99), Stuart Scott and Heath lambert, eds. “The Bible isn’t a scientific text book, right?” Such a statement carries the commonly held notion that because the Bible speaks primarily to theological and spiritual matters — in pre-modern, non-scientific language — it does not provide the church with resources sufficient to handle the…
Retailers have no choice but to go where consumers are. The Wall Street Journal recently looked at a typical American family, the Ulitcans of Columbus, Ohio. The 50-something parents have four children, ranging in age from 10 to 27. The parents do their shopping in local stores and shopping malls. Their children do not follow…
In the gospels, the biblical storyline moves from the Old Testament promise of a messianic kingdom to the presence of the messianic King
EDITOR’S NOTE: In what follows, Southern Seminary Magazine writer Craig Sanders talks with Gregg Allison, professor of Christian theology at Southern Seminary, about his new book, Sojourners and Strangers: The Doctrine of the Church (Crossway 2012). CS: Of all the topics in systematic theology, what made you want to write about ecclesiology? Gregg Allison (GA):…
(crossway 2012, $40) Gregg R. Allison Gifted theologians offer much guidance in areas like biblical theology, Christology and ethics, but resources that set forth ecclesiology are rarer, particularly from a robust Baptist perspective. Gregg R. Allison, professor of Christian theology at Southern Seminary, fills that void with his latest book, Sojourners and Strangers. “The church…
Evangelicals tend to only follow the spiritual aspect of Jesus’s mission, but this falls short of obeying the Lord’s command.
(crossway 2013, $15.99), Bruce A. Ware Did the baby Jesus know the quadratic formula? Many among conservative evangelical churches might respond to the question with a quick, emphatic “yes.” After all, Jesus is God, and God knows everything, math included. However, the answer to the question is more complex than this. To give the “yes”…
EDITOR’S NOTE: In what follows, Bruce A. Ware, professor of Christian theology at Southern Seminary, dis- cusses his new book, The Man Jesus Christ: Theological Reflections on the Humanity of Christ (Crossway 2013), with contributor Josh Hayes. JH: How does a biblical understanding of Christ’s humanity shape our understanding of the Christian life and what…
All readings of the Bible are based in some faith, and deeply grounded in some set of presuppositions. For the many people engaged in academia today, that faith is some form of ideological secularism. A Christian reading should always be absolutely transparent and clear about confessional commitments. And, we should never allow that those who…
Consider anew the beauty, power and wonder that the four Gospels give to us.
Is your church a centrifuge for gospel ministry? Are believers compelled out from the safe harbor of Christian fellowship to engage our unbelieving world? Many American churches today are an evangelistic cul-de-sac, lots of believers gathering in, but very little gospel going back out in gospel propagation. Instead of evangelistic DNA woven through every aspect…
Evangelism needs to be undergirded by a theological reflection on just what it is we are doing and why since, as R.B. Kuiper puts it, “Evangelism has its roots in eternity.”
Though some maintained the importance of marriage, others taught the need to abstain from sex in order to pursue more spiritual or philosophical endeavors.
One of the most important gifts of the Reformation to the various traditions that stem from that era was the concept of Christian marriage as a vocation and the fact that there is no intrinsic value in a celibate life (2)