
Contending for the Lamb

“The Church Before the Watching World:” Francis Schaeffer’s Burdens

How to be a global Christian without getting on a plane

The fact is, God has been seeking out the nations long before us. As you set your sights on the world, you’ll begin to discover his global desire throughout the pages of scripture.

Science vs. scientism: a necessary distinction

We all have those TV shows that define our childhood – shows that captured our little minds and imaginations. For me, it was Sesame Street (don’t laugh; some of you watched Barney), Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood, and Dukes of Hazzard. While I have no interest in these shows now, I look upon them with a sense…

Economics and the Christian Worldview: 12 Theses

Once called “a dismal science” by historian Thomas Carlyle, economics is often sidelined, even in the academic world. But economics is, in fact, one of most important social sciences.  With that in mind, my aim in this brief article is to look at economics, labor, business, money, industry, and work from a theological perspective. Further,…

How to apply logic to arguments, part 2

Editors’ note: Part I of this two-part series was published on Tuesday. Engaging the culture involves more than the picking apart of opposing arguments. While this is important, you must develop and use well-reasoned arguments. It is far too easy to point out the faults and inaccuracies of someone else’s argument, but to make this…

How to apply logic to arguments, part 1

Planned Parenthood is exposed for trafficking aborted baby parts. Bruce Jenner changes himself into Caitlyn Jenner and the culture lauds him as courageous. The United States Supreme Court in a landmark decision, recognizes homosexual marriage. In the midst of the maelstrom of change in American culture, traditional Christian beliefs and values are no longer the…

Islam vs. Islamic extremism: How should we speak about them?

The speech of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden last Saturday at the memorial for the five unarmed servicemen killed in Chattanooga demonstrates the difficulty, uncertainty, and confusion among politicians in dealing with Islam and Islamism. The speech shows the apparent dissonance among the various voices in the same political party. In his speech, Biden identified…

The dangerous calling of Christian missions

America’s evangelical Christians are facing a critical time of testing in the 21st century. Among the most important of the tests we now face is the future of missions and our faithfulness to the Great Commission. At a time of unprecedented opportunity, will our zeal for world missions slacken? Just as doors of opportunity are…

Taqiyya, Imam Madhi, and the Iran deal

Following news of the nuclear deal with the United States, Iranians celebrated in the streets over what they viewed as a national victory. The victory’s significance was especially heightened as it took place during the most holy Muslim month of Ramadan. The celebration was marked by the relief they felt from three decades of isolation…

5 best books on apologetics

Trying to come up with 5 of my favorite apologetics books is like asking me to name my 5 favorite moments as a University of Kentucky sports fan. Naturally I’m going to leave off, but to the best of my ability I offer my 5 favorite apologetics books, in no particular order.

Is this the end?: The quest for a global Islam and the hope of Christian eschatology

Led along the edge of a Libyan beach by Islamic State militants, 21 Egyptian Christians wearing the orange jumpsuits of prisoners received the white robes of martyrs. A gruesome video released in mid-February depicted their captors forcing the men to the ground and beheading them with swift, simultaneous strokes of the blade. The mass execution…

The next last frontier: are you ready to minister in the cities

No alert reader in ministry has to go very far today to find some reference to urbanization, cities or urban missions. It’s a hot topic, and it should be. Cities have always been centers of power, culture, religion and wealth, but the majority of people around the globe lived away from urban hubs. That is…

Worldview and the importance of first impressions

**Editors Note: Dan DeWitt recently wrote a worldview novella for young readers called The Owlings. You can read and excerpt of the book here. You can also purchase a copy of his book here.  The Jesuits are responsible for the quote, “Give me the child … and I will give you the man.” The idea…

‘A different worldview’: Allison discusses new book on Roman Catholic theology

  EDITOR’S NOTE: In what follows, Gregg R. Allison, professor of Christian theology at Southern Seminary, discusses his new book, Roman Catholic Theology and Practice: An Evangelical Assessment, with Towers editor S. Craig Sanders. CS: What was your methodology for assessing Roman Catholic theology and how did you engage with it in this book? GA: Most Protestants and…

How pornography works: It hijacks the male brain

  We are fast becoming a pornographic society. Over the course of the last decade, explicitly sexual images have crept into advertising, marketing, and virtually every niche of American life. This ambient pornography is now almost everywhere, from the local shopping mall to prime-time television. By some estimations, the production and sale of explicit pornography…

An imaginative apologetic: Jesus or Nothing

  EDITOR’S NOTE: In the following, Boyce College dean Dan DeWitt discusses his new book, Jesus or Nothing, with Towers editor Aaron Cline Hanbury. ACH: What is this book?  DD: Probably the best way to answer that is to unpack the title. Some people have been excited about the book because they think it’s kind…

How a biblical worldview shapes the way we teach our children

To have a biblical worldview is to interpret every aspect of our lives — including our relationships with children — within the framework of God’s story. At the center of God’s story stands this singular act: in Jesus Christ, God personally intersected human history and redeemed humanity at a particular time in a particular place.…