The SBJT Forum

SBJT Forum: L’Abri at 65 Years

SBJT Forum

The SBJT Forum: George Whitefield

SBJT: Why is it important to remember George Whitefield as a preacher? Robert Vogel: Agree with what he said or not, one could not ignore the preaching of George Whitefield. Benja­min Franklin, one of America’s promi­nent Deists, was fascinated by White­field and his preaching, and though Franklin was never converted, he and Whitefield were fast…

The SBJT Forum: The Kingdom of God

The SBJT Forum: Christian Responsibility in the Public Square

The SBJT Forum: The Atonement under Fire

The SBJT Forum: In the Beginning…

The SBJT Forum: Biblical Theology for the Church

The SBJT Forum: The Relevance of the Trinity

The SBJT Forum: Being Missions-Minded

The SBJT Forum: Testimonies to a Theologian

The SBJT Forum: Thinking about True Spirituality

The SBJT Forum: Racism, Scripture, and History

The SBJT Forum: Key Issues for Understanding Islam and Muslims

The SBJT Forum: Applications of Counseling in Ministry

The SBJT Forum: Engaging the Abortion Issue

The SBJT Forum: Heroes of the Faith

The SBJT Forum: The Lord’s Supper