
Remaking the Modern Mind: Revisiting Carl Henry’s Theological Vision

God, Revelation, and Community: Ecclesiology and Baptist Identity in the Thought of Carl F. H. Henry

Is Carl Henry a Modernist? Rationalism and Foundationalism in Post-War Evangelical Theology

Carl F. H. Henry: Heir of Reformation Epistemology

God’s Powerful Words: Five Principles of Biblical Spirituality in Isaiah 55

The Reformation Piety of Theodore Beza

The Glaring Inadequacy of the ETS Doctrinal Statement

“Draw Nigh unto My Soul”: English Baptist Piety and the Means of Grace in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries

The SBJT Forum: Testimonies to a Theologian

What’s New with New Age? Why Christians Need to Remain on Guard against the Threat of New Age Spirituality

The SBJT Forum: Thinking about True Spirituality

Book Reviews (Winter 2006)

Table of Contents (Fall 2004)

Editorial: Proclaiming Jesus, the Servant King

Exegetical Issues in Mark’s Gospel

Mark’s Good News of the Kingdom of God

The Servant of the Lord and the Gospel of Mark

Unique Discipleship to a Unique Master: Discipleship in the Gospel according to Mark