
The SBJT Forum: Persecution

SBJT: What does Revelation 12 teach us about the cross of Christ and persecution? Thomas R. Schreiner: Revelation 12 teaches us that the church faces persecution because of our great adversary the devil. In v. 7 we read about a great war in heaven between Michael, the archangel, and Satan. Michael defeated Satan, and he…

Book Reviews (Spring 2014)

Evangelical Theology: A Biblical and Systematic Introduction. By Michael F. Bird. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013, 912 pp., $49.99. Writing a systematic theology has to be among the more difficult scholarly tasks. The breadth of disciplinary competence needed is staggering. Add to that, especially in the case of a single volume text, the need to condense,…

Table of Contents (Summer 2010)

Editorial: Reflecting upon the “Theological Interpretation of Scripture”

Theological Interpretation of Scripture and Evangelical Systematic Theology: Iron Sharpening Iron?

“A Light in a Dark Place”: A Tale of Two Kings and Theological Interpretation of the Old Testament

Theological Interpretation of Scripture:An Introduction and Preliminary Evaluation

Gregory as a Model of Theological Interpretation

Righteousness and Peace Kiss: The Reconciliation of Authorial Intent and Biblical Typology

John Sailhamer’s The Meaning of the Pentateuch: A Review Essay

The SBJT Forum: Theological Interpretation of Scripture

Book Reviews (Summer 2010)

Table of Contents (Fall 2010)

Editorial: Reflections on the Importance of Galatians for Today

Another Look at the New Perspective

The New Perspective from Paul

Christ or Family as the “Seed” of Promise? An Evaluation of N. T. Wright on Galatians 3:16

Covenant Lineage Allegorically Prefigured: “Which Things Are Written Allegorically” (Galatians 4:21-31)