
Milkmaids No More: Revisiting Luther’s Doctrine of Vocation from the Perspective of a “Gig” Economy

Table of Contents (Summer 2015)

Stephen J. Wellum                                                                                   5 Editorial: Living All of Life to God’s Glory R. Albert Mohler, Jr.                                                                                9 Economics and the Christian Worldview: 12 Theses David Kotter                                                                                             17 Greed vs. Self-Interest: A Case Study of How Economists Can Help Theologians Serve the Church Mark Coppenger                                                                                     49 Stewardship of the Wetlands below…

Economics and the Christian Worldview: 12 Theses

Once called “a dismal science” by historian Thomas Carlyle, economics is often sidelined, even in the academic world. But economics is, in fact, one of most important social sciences.  With that in mind, my aim in this brief article is to look at economics, labor, business, money, industry, and work from a theological perspective. Further,…

Greed vs. Self-Interest: A Case Study of How Economists Can Help Theologians Serve the Church

Preparing a sermon from the New Testament to serve a local congregation has always been a challenging spiritual labor. Exegesis and application require a pastor to bridge a language gap from Greek to English, a cultural gap from the first century to the contemporary ethos, and a geographical gap from the Levant to the Western…

Why Are You Here? Heavenly Work vs. Earthly Work

Overview This brief article examines the nature of human work from a biblical and theological perspective. Creation frames human work because God created humans as his image bearers, giving them the task of building civilization through procreation and vocation. But humanity’s purposeful work became cursed work through sin. Now the gospel transforms and restores our work…

Not Always Right: Critiquing Christopher Wright’s Paradigmatic Application of the Old Testament to the Socio-economic Realm

Christopher J. H. Wright is one of the leading evangelical voices today addressing the theology of the church’s mission. Wright, an Anglican pastor and Old Testament (OT) scholar, is a key figure in the Lausanne Movement, including his role as the Chair of the Cape Town 2010 Statement Working Group, which drafted the Cape Town…

The Gospel, Human Flourishing, and the Foundation of Social Order

Introduction The headlines over the past few months attest our society is experiencing rapid transformation culminating from decades of moral mutiny. Events in Ferguson, Indianapolis, Baltimore, Dallas, Charleston and Supreme Court decisions is a predictable course of America’s trajectory because the moral revolutionaries have secularized the public conscience. The myriad of competing voices through the…

How economic profits relate to the creation mandate

  [tweetable]Good theology is of little value unless the church is able to speak eternal truths into ever-changing cultures.[/tweetable] This is especially true with respect to the relationship between our faith and the areas of work economics and human flourishing in this age. The population of the earth and the ability to create wealth have…

Seven questions about economics and the economy with Barry Asmus

  When studying in seminary or serving in a church, students and pastors often find little time for topics such as economics. And yet economics, as a reality, is all around. Towers editor Aaron Cline Hanbury asks Barry Asmus, speaker, writer and consultant on political and business issues and a senior economist with the National Center for…