Andrew Fuller

“The Glorious Work of the Reformation”: Andrew Fuller and the Imitation of Martin Luther

‘The very picture of a blacksmith’: The life and legacy of Andrew Fuller

Andrew Fuller was an indefatigable and fearless Baptist theologian and minister, an outstanding figure with qualities that make him one of the most attractive figures in Baptist history. Michael A.G. Haykin, professor of church history and biblical spirituality and director of the Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies at Southern Seminary, provides a summary of…

Andrew Fuller’s Great Commission pastoral leadership a model for Southern Baptists

Andrew Fuller found himself at the forefront of an evangelical missionary awakening in the latter two decades of the 18th century. Following a generation marked by doctrinal declension, including the popularity of a spiritually stifling hyper-Calvinism, a growing number of English Particular Baptists were becoming convinced that the Bible calls every generation of believers to…

Towers | May 2015

Table of Contents (Summer 2013)

Editorial: Continuing to Learn from Andrew Fuller (1754-1815)

“To Devote Ourselves to the Blessed Trinity”: Andrew Fuller and the Defense of “Trinitarian Communities”

The Passion and Doctrine of Andrew Fuller in The Gospel Worthy of All Acceptation

The Renaissance in Andrew Fuller Studies: A Bibliographic Essay

Confession of Faith 1

The Admission of unbaptized Persons to the Lord’s Supper, inconsistent with the New Testament

Table of Contents (Spring 2013)

Editorial: Learning from the Life and Ministry of Andrew Fuller

“So valuable a life. . .”: A Biographical Sketch of Andrew Fuller (1754-1815)

“The Utterance of a Full Heart”: The Pastoral Wisdom of Andrew Fuller

Marriage and Family in the Life of Andrew Fuller

The promise of the Spirit, the grand encouragement in promoting the Gospel: a circular letter to the churches of the Northamptonshire Baptist Association (June 1810)

“‘ Very affecting and evangelical’: A Review of Keith S. Grant, Andrew Fuller and the Evangelical Renewal of Pastoral Theology”