
Stephen J. Wellum                                                                                                  5
Editorial: Reflections on the Glorious Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ

Mitchell L. Chase                                                                                                      9
“From Dust You Shall Arise:” Resurrection Hope in the Old Testament

Raymond Johnson                                                                                                  31
Matthew 27:51-54 Revisited: A Narratological Re-Appropriation

Lee Tankersley                                                                                                          51
Raised for Our Justification: The Resurrection and Penal Substitution

A. B. Caneday                                                                                                            67
God’s Incarnate Son as the Embodiment of Last Day Resurrection: Eternal Life as Justification in John’s Gospel

David Schrock                                                                                                           89
Resurrection and Priesthood: Christological Soundings from the Book of Hebrews

Ted Cabal                                                                                                                     115
Defending the Resurrection of Jesus: Yesterday, Today and Forever

SBJT Forum                                                                                                                139

Book Reviews                                                                                                             149