1. You are a seminary professor, theologian, and the author of many scholarly articles and books; why did you choose to write a children’s book?

Because I love my kids and I love the Bible! The project started out as something that my oldest son and I were doing together. I would tell him about something in the Bible, and he would draw it. Some friends encouraged me to pursue getting it published. Christian Focus agreed to publish it, but they decided to get a professional artist to do the illustrations.

We found ourselves reading some children’s books over and over to the point we had them memorized. I wanted to summarize the big story of the Bible and put it in a children’s book in the hope that parents and kids might memorize it through repeated readings.

2.  What do you hope to accomplish among Christian families with your new book?

I hope to see parents–especially fathers–read to their kids, teach the Bible to their kids, and lead their kids to know God.

3. What would you say are the most important aspects of The Bible’s Big Story?  Why is this kind of book important for kids?

I selected events that represent major plot-points in the big story of the Bible. My hope is that reading this book will give people a panoramic glimpse of the Bible’s whole-narrative canvass, and that the memorized rhymes will stay with them and help them put their Bible reading in the context of the broader picture.