Matthew J. Hall
Provost of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Matthew J. Hall was appointed as provost and senior vice president for academic administration of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in April 2019. Hall also serves as associate professor of church history. His previous administrative roles at the seminary include serving the dean of Boyce College (2016-2019), as vice president of academic services (2013-2016), and as chief of staff in the Office of the President (2009-2013). He has been a member of Southern’s Executive Cabinet since 2009. Hall also serves as an assistant professor of church history at Southern Seminary and Boyce College.

Hall’s academic and research interests focus on the intersection of theology and culture in American religion, and he regularly teaches courses in church history, American history, and American government at the graduate and undergraduate level. He is co-editor of Essential Evangelicalism: The Enduring Legacy of Carl F.H. Henry (Crossway, 2015). He has contributed chapters to several volumes and has written articles for a range of popular outlets as well as scholarly journals.

Hall is active in denominational life and has served two terms on the SBC Resolutions Committee and is a research fellow with the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission. He and his wife, Jeannie, have three children.

 |  Faculty Bio

My Redeemer Lives

Forming Evangelical Pastors: Theological Education from the Margins

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Genesis 50:15-26

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1 Samuel 18:6-16

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What’s It All Worth Anyway

A Life Worthy of the Gospel

Making a Christian college Christian

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Higher Education and the Great Commission

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