Have you ever tried to pick a favorite hymn or Scripture passage when asked? Impossible, isn’t it? At least it is for me. I had similar feelings when my pastoral interns asked me to pick my top books every pastor should read. Too many to choose from and where does the list end? Nevertheless, they demanded this of me and I conceded.

So, I thought I would share it with you hoping it might prioritize your reading list for the future. I have chosen my lists based on the two greatest needs I see modern pastors face:

  1. How do I do faithful ministry?
  2. How do I persevere in the ministry?

Therefore, I have two categories of a top 10 list: One category of books that explain how to think through pastoral ministry as you do it; the other set to help a pastor remain steadfast in the work. These are books apart from the Practical Shepherding books. I obviously commend to you also.

Doing Pastoral Ministry (Top 10 List)

Enduring Pastoral Ministry (Top 10 List)